Burton Pixels



Environment - Green Building
Environment - Modern Kitchen
Environment - Symphony
Environment - Sky Gallery
Environment - Nature Church
Environment -  Throne Room Stage

Scene Breakdown

In this scene, I wanted to create a structure that preserved the sense of lofty scale that European cathedrals provide, but one which also didn't separate the worshipper from the beauty of the natural world, which is a sacred space of it's own. So I created this combination of a glass church with high vaults. The church bells hang from an external split cylinder that people can walk through.

Software Used

    + Softimage XSI 7
    + Photoshop

Environment - Nature Church

Environment - Nature Church: External Wireframe Ground View  Environment - Nature Church: External Wireframe Aerial View

Environment - Nature Church: Ground View 2  Environment - Nature Church: Internal Structural View

Environment - Nature Church: Toon Render